Cathy Hemsworth
Phyllis Sloan
Ana Acosta
Ann Galano
Karen Parise
Andrew Marage
Cindy Johnson
Cindy Bradshaw
Sirena Huang
Sacramental Program
Our Adult Sacramental program for ages 17yrs old – adult seeking Baptism, First Communion, Penance or Confirmation will begin in September. Classes will meet on Monday evenings at 6pm. Please call the rectory or stop by for more information.
St Adalbert – St Roch Parish
Religious Education Program
2022-2023 Catechetical Year
We at St. Adalbert - St. Roch Parish Religious Education Program
look upon religious education as a total parish experience involving all members of our community of faith. We believe that religious education is getting to know Jesus and learning what is expected of one who chooses to follow Him in the Catholic tradition.
Our program
Our programs for First Communion and Confirmation are 2 years each. Preparation to receive First Holy Communion begins in First Grade of elementary school.
Our Religious Education classes are held on Wednesdays in the St. Adalbert School (New World Prep) building.
Registration Forms are available on this website.
Click on 'English' or 'Spanish' to get the form you need
to fill out. Return the completed form with your check to the Rectory.
If you would like to enroll your child in our program,
please call the rectory (718) 442-4755
or stop by on weekdays between 9am - 5pm.