Feast of the Most Holy Rosary
of the Blessed Virgin Mary
According to an account by fifteenth-century Dominican, Alan de la Roch, Mary appeared to St. Dominic in 1206 after he had been praying and doing severe penances because of his lack of success in combating the Albigensian heresy. Mary praised him for his valiant fight against the heretics and then gave him the Rosary as a mighty weapon, explained its uses and efficacy, and told him to preach it to others.
Pope Leo XIII instituted October as the month of the Holy Rosary, because of the anniversary of the victory of the Battle at Lepanto and the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary occurring in October. The Battle of Lepanto and the institution of the feast day took place in the 17th century.
Pope Leo XIII admonished the faithful to dedicate the month of October to the Queen of the Holy Rosary in order to obtain through her intercession the grace that God may console and defend His Church in her sufferings.
In 1907, Our Lady of the Rosary appeared to the children of Fatima and told them to have the people say the Rosary and say it every day.
To read more, click on the link in the upper right hand corner - 'The Most Holy Rosary'
Once on that page, there is a link under 'The Most Holy Rosary', 'titled 'How to pray the Rosary' that you may click on to help you pray the Rosary. Once on that page, there is a link to the Scriptual Rosary.